I asked ChatGPT: Why do people wear Che Guevara t-shirts?

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

February 26, 2023

I recently had the following conversation with ChatGPT:

Me: Why do people wear Che Guevara t-shirts?

ChatGPT: People wear Che Guevara t-shirts for various reasons. Some wear them as a symbol of rebellion or as a way to express their political views. Che Guevara was an important figure in the Cuban Revolution and is viewed as a hero by many left-wing and anti-capitalist activists. The image of Guevara, often depicted wearing a beret and with a determined expression, has become a symbol of revolution and resistance for some people. However, it is worth noting that Che Guevara’s legacy is a controversial one, with some critics pointing to his violent methods and authoritarian tendencies.

Me: A hero? He personally executed many people without a trial. He was a serial killer.

ChatGPT: Che Guevara is a controversial figure and opinions about him vary widely. Some people view him as a revolutionary hero who fought for social justice and against imperialism, while others see him as a brutal oppressor who committed atrocities in the name of ideology.

It is true that Guevara played a role in executing individuals without trial during his time as a revolutionary in Cuba. These executions were part of a wider campaign to consolidate power and suppress opposition, and are often cited as evidence of Guevara’s brutal tactics.

Despite this, many people continue to wear Che Guevara t-shirts and other merchandise as a symbol of resistance against oppression and imperialism. To these individuals, Guevara represents a spirit of defiance and rebellion against unjust systems of power.

Me: What does killing innocent people have to do with “social justice”?

ChatGPT: Killing innocent people does not have anything to do with “social justice.” “Social justice” refers to the fair distribution of resources and opportunities in society, and the recognition and protection of the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or social status. Engaging in acts of violence or terrorism, regardless of one’s ideology or beliefs, can never be justified as a means of achieving social justice. It is important to work towards social justice through peaceful and constructive means, such as advocacy, education, and community engagement.

Me: It was you, not me, who used that phrase. I was just quoting what you had already said.

ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion. To clarify, my previous statement was in reference to the importance of treating all individuals with inherent worth and dignity, regardless of their actions or behavior. It was not meant to justify or condone the actions of individuals who engage in violence or harm others.


February 26, 2023. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , . ChatGPT, Clothing, Communism, Economics, Immigration, Social justice warriors, Sweatshops. 1 comment.

Bernie Sanders’ war on women

Bernie Sanders wants Nike to stop doing business in Vietnam. He recently accused Nike of

 “exploiting low-wage workers”

in Vietnam.

Unfortunately, Sanders did not actually talk to any of those Vietnamese workers to get their opinion on this issue.

Fortunately, a guy named Johan Norberg did talk to Vietnamese workers who work in a Nike factory. He then wrote the following:

But when I talk to a young Vietnamese woman, Tsi-Chi, at the factory, it is not the wages she is most happy about. Sure, she makes five times more than she did, she earns more than her husband, and she can now afford to build an extension to her house. But the most important thing, she says, is that she doesn’t have to work outdoors on a farm any more… 10 to 14 hours a day in the burning sun or the intensive rain, in rice fields with water up to your ankles and insects in your face.

Bernie Sanders wants to reduce the income of Vietnamese women by 80%.

Bernie Sanders want to force Vietnamese women to work outside in the burning sun and intense rain, with water up to their ankles, and insects in their face.

Bernie Sanders wants Vietnamese women to earn less than their husbands.

Bernie Sanders wants to prevent Vietnamese women from being able to afford adequate housing.

And above all else, Bernie Sanders believes that Vietnamese women are too stupid to make their own decisions regarding employment, and he wants to make those decisions for them.

May 9, 2015. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bernie Sanders, Economics, Sexism, Sweatshops. 1 comment.

Bangladesh factory collapse kills more than 1,000 people

Recently a factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing more than 1,000 people.

May 10, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , . Politics, Sweatshops. Leave a comment.

Anti-sweatshop activists have caused an increase in childhood prostitution

Every country starts out poor. Ten thousand years ago, every country was poor. It’s only when a country adopts and maintains widespread economic growth over time that the country becomes rich. The emergence of sweatshops in a poor country is often a sign that that country has climbed onto the ladder of economic growth and upward mobility.

Until fairly recently, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea were poor, third world countries. It was only after they started climbing the ladder of economic growth that they became rich. Sweatshops played a big role in these countries change from being poor to being rich.

More recently, other countries have started having sweatshops. Critics of these sweatshops complain about the low wages and poor working conditions of these sweatshops. But these critics never compare the wages and working conditions of the sweatshops to what the workers had before the sweatshops opened.

I trust the average person to choose the job that is best for him. So if someone is working in a sweatshop, I believe that he is doing so because it is his best option, out of all of his real world options.


July 12, 2012. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . Economics, Politics, Sweatshops. 3 comments.