Anti-sweatshop activists have caused an increase in childhood prostitution

Every country starts out poor. Ten thousand years ago, every country was poor. It’s only when a country adopts and maintains widespread economic growth over time that the country becomes rich. The emergence of sweatshops in a poor country is often a sign that that country has climbed onto the ladder of economic growth and upward mobility.

Until fairly recently, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea were poor, third world countries. It was only after they started climbing the ladder of economic growth that they became rich. Sweatshops played a big role in these countries change from being poor to being rich.

More recently, other countries have started having sweatshops. Critics of these sweatshops complain about the low wages and poor working conditions of these sweatshops. But these critics never compare the wages and working conditions of the sweatshops to what the workers had before the sweatshops opened.

I trust the average person to choose the job that is best for him. So if someone is working in a sweatshop, I believe that he is doing so because it is his best option, out of all of his real world options.


July 12, 2012. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . Economics, Politics, Sweatshops. 3 comments.