Bucknell professor Marcellus Andrews says social justice warriors should “impose a steep and lasting price” on conservative and libertarian students, and implies that they should “rearrange their faces and snap their bones”

Imagine if the roles had been reversed, and that the student had emailed these things to the professor, instead of the other way around. Then the student would have been expelled, and criminal charges would have been filed against the student.




On Monday, January 16th, Bucknell Professor Marcellus Andrews wrote an open email to the Bucknell community addressing his concerns about discrimination on campus in light of the rise of Donald Trump to the White House. In his email, the professor specifically singled out the conservative and libertarian students at Bucknell, calling us “racists and fascists” for arranging a guest lecture event that occurred almost a year ago.

Alarmingly, Professor Andrews claimed that students who felt targeted by last February’s speaker needed “to be able to impose a steep and lasting price on the racists and fascists” that organized the event. In the same email, Andrews claims that in his younger days, when he was “extremely skilled at combat,” he would respond to fascists and racists by rearranging their faces and snapping their bones in order to change their minds.

February 14, 2017. Tags: , , , . Education, Milo Yiannopoulos, Social justice warriors.

One Comment

  1. HMichael Hawkins replied:

    This guy is the Duty Idiot if he believes responding to fascists and racists by rearranging their faces and snapping their bones will change their minds. He also is a moron who lacks understanding of what a “Fascists” really is. Conservative and libertarian students who may disagree with his political beliefs are not automatically Fascists. He probably sees everyone in the USA who supports President Trump as a Fascists, but the truth is his own political beliefs align closer to Fascism than do theirs.

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