Obama fraudulently declares meadow jumping mouse “endangered” in order to hurt ranchers

On May 24, 2014, Wikipedia’s article on the meadow jumping mouse stated:

The meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius) is the most widely distributed mouse in the subfamily Zapodinae. It may be found from the Atlantic coast, to the Great Plains, as far north as the arctic tree lines in Canada and Alaska, and as far south as Georgia, Alabama, Arizona, and New Mexico.

The meadow jumping mouse is currently not in any kind of danger. According to the IUCN Red list, it is widely spread, common, and not declining throughout most of its extensive range. It is also present in many protected areas, and so does not have any major threats of it becoming an endangered species.

However, on July 3, 2014, the Daily Caller reported:

Feds Declare Mouse Endangered, Family Might Lose Everything

A family’s livestock enterprise in New Mexico is in danger of being completely shut down now that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has declared the meadow jumping mouse to be an endangered species…

The new regulations came into effect from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last month, and as a result, the U.S. Forest Service is considering installing 8-foot high fences to protect the mouse, which would permanently prevent the Lucero family’s livestock from grazing.

The family is already in possession of grazing permits from the federal government, but the permits become irrelevant in the event that a new species is declared endangered.

The Lucero family has had their livestock graze on the land in the Santa Fe National Forest for more than a century, starting first with sheep, but then switching to cattle in the 1920s.

Obama’s declaration of this animal as being “endangered” is contrary to all scientific evidence, and is just a cover for his war on ranchers.

July 5, 2014. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , . Animals, Barack Obama, Environmentalism, Politics. 6 comments.