Mary Osako, please explain why UCLA hasn’t fired the security guard who stood by, watched, and did nothing to intervene, as masked terrorists prevented a Jewish student named Eli Tsives from entering the university.

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

May 1, 2024

This video from UCLA shows a security guard standing by, watching, and doing nothing to intervene, as masked terrorists prevented a Jewish student named Eli Tsives from entering the university.

After the video went viral, Mary Osako, the school’s Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications, issued the following statement:

“Yesterday some physical altercations occurred among demonstrators in Royce Quad. In response, we have taken several actions to significantly increase our security presence, including adding greater numbers of campus law enforcement, safety personnel and student affairs monitors.”

“There was also a report of a student’s access to class being blocked by demonstrators yesterday. This kind of disruption to our teaching and learning mission is abhorrent, plain and simple. As such, we’ve taken several, immediate actions: Our student conduct process has been initiated, and could lead to severe disciplinary action including expulsion or suspension. The barriers that demonstrators used to block this student’s access to class have been removed and we have staff located around Royce Quad to help ensure that they will not go up again. We have also engaged law enforcement to investigate.”

“While the demonstration remains largely peaceful, our campus must remain a place where we treat one another with respect and recognize our shared humanity — not a place where we devolve into violence and bullying.”

So Osako said that the school will be “adding greater numbers of campus law enforcement, safety personnel and student affairs monitors.”

So the school plans to hire additional security guards, so they, too, can stand by, watch, and do nothing to intervene, when this kind of thing happens.

So here’s my question for Mary Osako:

Mary Osako, please explain why UCLA hasn’t fired the security guard who stood by, watched, and did nothing to intervene, as masked terrorists prevented a Jewish student named Eli Tsives from entering the university.

May 1, 2024. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . Education, Idiots blocking traffic, Islamic terrorism, Social justice warriors, Soft on crime.

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