Manhattan DA Charges Bodega Worker with Murder After Stabbing Violent Ex-Con in Self-Defense (VIDEO)

Manhattan DA Charges Bodega Worker with Murder After Stabbing Violent Ex-Con in Self-Defense (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

July 7, 2022

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg charged a bodega worker with murder when he clearly acted in self defense.

51-year-old Jose Alba stabbed his attacker several times in self-defense and now he’s at Rikers Island jail facing a murder charge.

Alba fatally stabbed Austin Simon, 35, a career criminal who violently attacked him behind the counter last Friday night.

According to reports, Austin Simon’s girlfriend got into an argument with Alba after her EBT card was declined when she tried to purchase a bag of chips.

The disgruntled woman then left the bodega, ran home and returned with her boyfriend – and that’s when the confrontation escalated.

According to Alba’s defense lawyer, the 32-year-old woman took a knife out of her purse and stabbed the bodega worker in the shoulder, the New York Post reported.

She is not facing charges for stabbing Jose Alba – But Jose Alba is facing a second-degree murder charge for fatally stabbing Austin Simon – AFTER the assailants stabbed him and violently attacked him.

Alba’s family says he was in fear for his life and acted in self-defense.

July 7, 2022. Tags: , , , . Social justice warriors, Violent crime.

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