50% of slavery reparations should be paid for by the Democratic Party. The other 50% should be paid for by the African countries that enslaved their own people and sold them to American slavetraders.

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

July 1, 2020

The Democratic Party should have to pay slavery reparations, because they supported slavery.

But the very first Republican president was the one who freed the slaves. There’s no way Republicans should have to pay reparations.

50% of reparations should be paid for by the Democratic Party.

The other 50% should be paid for by the African countries that enslaved their own people and sold them to American slavetraders.

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July 1, 2020. Tags: , , , , . Racism.


  1. bobby replied:

    no reparations, stop negotiating with yourself

  2. gregdougall replied:

    I just had a thought: Why tear down a statue, when instead you could work together with others to build a new and better statue nearby, honoring whom you choose? Oh that’s right, because you are a criminal hellbent on destruction, which won’t solve any of your problems. Slavery ended 155 years ago. What if I was a slave in my past life? No black person alive today in America was a slave. Yet American and other children have been rescued from slavery from human trafficking. Uighur muslims have been slaves in this lifetime. They aren’t concerned with slavery today, but want financial compensation for something that happened long before they were born.

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