Supporters of free universal health care can’t explain why U.K. citizen Mick Jagger had his life saving heart surgery in the U.S.

Supporters of free universal health care can’t explain why U.K. citizen Mick Jagger had his life saving heart surgery in the U.S.

I’ll explain it.

There is a tradeoff between time and money.

When something is “free,” it often comes with the “cost” of having to wait in line.

Mick Jagger knew that he could either get “free” heart surgery in the U.K. (where he is a citizen), at the cost of having to wait on a waiting list, or, he could get the surgery immediately by paying out of his own pocket to have his surgery in the U.S.

And he’s not the only one to understand this tradeoff between time and money.

When Robert Bourassa, the premier of Quebec, Canada, needed cancer treatment, he came to the United States and paid for his health care with his own money.

And when Canadian Liberal MP Belinda Stronach needed cancer treatment, she also came to the United States and paid for her health care with her own money.

And when Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams needed heart surgery, he, too, came to the United States and paid for his health care with his own money.

Many liberals in the U.S. want the U.S. to adopt the same kind of universal health care that exists in Canada and the U.K.  So here’s my question to those liberals: If the U.S. does adopt such a system, then where are the celebrities and politicians from other countries going to go when they need life saving health care?

April 7, 2019. Tags: , , , . Health care.

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