Video from Atlanta shows store employee assaulting customer for wearing pro-Trump shirt

This brand new video from Atlanta, Georgia, shows a store employee assaulting a customer for wearing a pro-Trump shirt. The assault occurs at 0:36

December 28, 2018. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Donald Trump, Social justice warriors.


  1. mamahenspeaks replied:

    My oh My. I sent an email to the main email address listed out of all the 17 store locations and hope it is the Corporate address. Are you (Dan from Squirrel Hill’s Blog) the one who made this video?

    I was horrified how that sales clerk acted. Honestly, as a Christian, I thought he was demon possessed, except I never got a close enough view to see if he was actually foaming at the mouth. To say the least, he definitely has anger management problems.

    I told the corporate office I sent the email to that they need to more carefully screen future employees to make sure their employees do not have mental issues or are mentally set off to explode at any shopper innocently wearing clothing with a Trump, Obama, Hillary, or US flag on it). (Praise God you had clothes on! That would require instant removal!)

    For this person to falsely accuse you of racism with absolutely no proof of it is outrageous, and he would probably be best handled by being admitted to a mental institution. (Why do I think he’s already been to one?) I’ve heard of the “antifa” fascist bullies with bullhorns & whistles people being bad, but this guy was really, really over the top malicious, mean, and I admire how you kept your cool (except you should have not finally sunk to his low level with the 4-letter words, sorry but I’m a Grandma who won’t tolerate that talk around me) but other than that when you finally started using 4-letter words in your UNDERSTANDABLE frustration, I do greatly admire you for keeping level headed and otherwise polite and helpful in finding the product you wanted.

    Personally, I’d suggest everyone who shops there transfer their shopping to another place. The other customer, who you remarked was there before you and deserved to be served first, was just speechless taking it all in and looking like he was very uncomfortable by the clerk’s actions. I too was just speechless while safely watching from hundreds of miles away. Except I probably would have started crying and praying at the same time and moved my walker to where I could safely call 911, my husband, and my pastor. And I probably wouldn’t be in an inhale/xhale shop either because isn’t that marijuana or is it just that vapor cigarette that blows up. It sure sounded like that employee was trying to break the product you were trying to buy. I heard loud “snap” sounds in there. I hope if you did finally buy it, it was safe for your wife to smoke and didn’t explode. Okay, that’s all. Sure glad you’re on our side, friend.
    #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #BuildTheWall4NationalSecurityNOW

    P.S. Do you remember the sales clerk’s first name so I can make sure it is NOT the clerk answering my email? Thanks. –MamaHenSpeaks on WordPress too

  2. wangweilin replied:

    The ever tolerant and peaceful liberal. /s

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