Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks is a bigger scumbag than the four scumbags who kidnapped and tortured a learning disabled man in Chicago

In January of this year in Chicago, two black men and two black women kidnapped a learning disabled white man, imprisoned him, tortured him, cut off part of his scalp, forced him to drink from the toilet, demanded ransom from his parents, and posted part of the torture as a video on Facebook. They also called him racial slurs, which puts this into the hate crime category.

Well, one of these scumbags has just been sentenced to probation instead of prison, after spending less than one year in jail. Her name is Brittany Covington. (The other three scumbags – Tesfaye Cooper, Jordan Hill, Tanishia Covington – are still awaiting sentencing.)

Given the horrific kidnapping, imprisonment, violence, and torture that they committed, I think all four of these scumbags should be forced to spend at least several decades in prison.

The fact that Brittany Covington was sentenced to probation instead of prison is inexcusable.

The judge responsible for giving probation instead of a prison sentence to this violent scumbag is Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks.

Judge Hooks said he could have given her a prison sentence, but chose not to because “I’m not sure if I did that you’d be coming out any better.”

Although prison is referred to as a “correctional facility,” that is not the only reason that we put people who are convicted of violent crimes in prison. We also do it to protect the innocent, as well as to send a message to the guilty that their violent behavior is not to be tolerated.

Judge Hooks is a bigger scumbag than the four scumbags who kidnapped and tortured the learning disabled man.

By not sentencing Brittany Covington to prison, Judge Hooks is giving his approval to what Brittany Covington did. He is saying that what she did is OK. He is saying that what she did is acceptable.

But in the real world, what Brittany Covington did is not OK.

It is not acceptable.

Shame on Judge Hooks.


December 9, 2017. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , . Racism, Violent crime.


  1. topassistant replied:

    Let me see if I have this correct! A disable white boy was the victim in Chicago and was kidnapped by two black men and two black women and tortured a learning disabled white man, imprisoned him, cut off part of his scalp, forced him to drink from the toilet, demanded ransom from his parents, and posted part of the torture as a video on Facebook. They also called him racial slurs, which puts this into the hate crime category. A black judge gives one of the girls’ probation! Now reverse all of this and a black disabled boy was the victim and the offenders are white, the judge is white, what do you think would be happening?

    • jess replied:

      You are correct. This judge will be up for retention election I think in 2022. Of course, the good people of Cook county, IL will probably keep him as he did them a solid.

  2. rightwingconservativenewsblog replied:

    Reblogged this on TRUE Right Wing Conservative News Site, Truthful Conservative Politics News.

  3. bc3b replied:

    I am going to go there. Judge Hooks is black. Imagine the outrage if whites had done this o a mentally mandicapped black man and a white judge let her off with probation.

  4. BY replied:

    bc3b replied: you are so right! This is outrageous! I want to hand out the justice !

  5. Nate replied:

    This is the same judge that gave a guy 10 days in jail to a guy that killed another while driving drunk. It was the driver’s third alcohol related driving offense.

  6. ghs replied:

    I work in the court system and what is going on there is absolutely insane. There is no accountability anymore. In addition, there is an agenda going on where defendants of a certain race are treated much differently than others. There is little jail time handed out for horrible crimes. There is no prosecution of offenders who have violated their probations. The system is an absolute sham. Judges are forced to follow political agendas or face the consequences. Out judiciary is tainted and the judges who do the right thing are punished. We have no independent judiciary. The judges are pawns. and political hacks

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