Hypocrite liberals require audience members to show “racist” photo ID to see “Hamilton”

Liberals are always saying that it’s “racist” whenever Republicans want to require voters to show photo ID.

However, as I show below, there are plenty of examples where liberals themselves require “racist” photo ID.

And now I have the newest example: for every performance of the play “Hamilton” at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre from now until December 30, 2017, 40 tickets will be sold for a special low price of $10 each. To get these tickets, you have to apply online. A lottery will randomly choose 40 winners for each performance. Winners will have to show photo ID when they show up to see the play.

These liberals require photo ID?

But how many times have liberals said that requiring photo ID is “racist”?

So this is just the newest example of liberal hypocrisy when it comes to requiring “racist” photo ID.

Here are some previous examples.

In 2015, former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee announced that he wanted to be the Democrats’ 2016 presidential candidate.

In July 2011, Governor Chafee signed a bill that requires voters to show photo ID.

In March 2012, Obama’s Justice Department blocked Texas’s voter ID requirement, claiming that it was “racist.”

However, the very same Justice Department requires photo ID for everyone who enters.

So let’s say that someone is denied their right to vote because they don’t have voter ID, and they want to file a lawsuit at the Justice Department. But because they don’t have photo ID, they can’t get into the Justice Department in the first place!

In this video, beginning at 2:39, we see that Obama’s Justice Department requires photo ID for everyone who enters:


The same video also shows that you need photo ID in order to enter other liberal organizations which claim that requiring voter ID is “racist,” including the Advancement Project (at 1:38), the Center for American Progress (2:08), and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (2:23).

At a July 2012 NAACP event, NAACP President Ben Jealous claimed that requiring voter ID was “racist.” However, at that very same event, the NAACP required photo ID in order to get into the event in the first place!

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Britain, India, and South Africa all require photo ID in order to vote, but U.S. liberals don’t consider those countries’ requirements to be “racist.”

In January 2012, Illinois passed a law which requires buyers of drain cleaner to show photo ID, but liberals didn’t accuse this requirement of being “racist.”

In June 2012, Michelle Obama required photo ID in order to attend her book signings, but liberals didn’t accuse her of being “racist.”

In June 2012, Barack Obama required photo ID in order to attend his campaign events, but liberals didn’t accuse him of being “racist.”

This article from Politico includes the following photograph of a labor union that requires photo ID in order for its members to vote, but liberals didn’t accuse this union of being “racist”:

In my opinion, requiring photo ID is never “racist.”

However, I would like liberals to please explain why it is “racist” when conservatives do it, but not “racist” when liberals do it.

Anyway, according to liberals’ own “logic,” Lincoln Chafee is a “racist.” Why would they want him to be president?


August 11, 2017. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Politics, Racism.

One Comment

  1. Constitution Believer replied:

    I am a poll worker here where I live. I cannot tell you the number of times we have had to turn people away because they didn’t have a photo ID,
    I have asked them for even a drivers license, state ID, welfare ID, any kind of an ID that has your picture on it. And I cannot tell you the number of times the liberals have cussed me out for it…citing I am a RACIST and all kinds of names…I just shrug my shoulders and take the next person…all while the master of arms is showing this moron where the door is.
    Hey if I have to show an ID to the cops when I get stopped than these moronic little pricks can show theirs…if they cant they cannot vote…and if you want to vote you can either show ID or vote provincial.

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