Scumbags use Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious guns to murder 14 people at one Mexican event, and 18 at another – but Obama falsely blames it on Bush

ABC news reports:

On January 30, 2010, a commando of at least 20 hit men parked themselves outside a birthday party of high school and college students in Villas de Salvarcar, Ciudad Juarez. Near midnight, the assassins, later identified as hired guns for the Mexican cartel La Linea, broke into a one-story house and opened fire on a gathering of nearly 60 teenagers. Outside, lookouts gunned down a screaming neighbor and several students who had managed to escape. Fourteen young men and women were killed, and 12 more were wounded before the hit men finally fled.

Indirectly, the United States government played a role in the massacre by supplying some of the firearms used by the cartel murderers. Three of the high caliber weapons fired that night in Villas de Salvarcar were linked to a gun tracing operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), according to a Mexican army document obtained exclusively by Univision News.

Univision News identified a total of 57 more previously unreported firearms that were bought by straw purchasers monitored by ATF during Operation Fast and Furious, and then recovered in Mexico in sites related to murders, kidnappings, and at least one other massacre.

As part of Operation Fast and Furious, ATF allowed 1,961 guns to “walk” out of the U.S. in an effort to identify the high profile cartel leaders who received them. The agency eventually lost track of the weapons, and they often ended up in the hands of Mexican hit men, including those who ordered and carried out the attack on Salvarcar and El Aliviane, a rehabilitation center in Ciudad Juarez where 18 young men were killed

Oh my – that is terrible.

So what does President Obama have to say about these 32 people who were murdered with guns that he illegally provided to the killers?

A different article, also from ABC, states:

President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program “Begun Under the Previous Administration”

Asked about the Fast and Furious program at the Univision forum on Thursday, President Obama falsely claimed that the program began under President George W. Bush.

“I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration,” the president said. “When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned a inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that in fact Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable.”

In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.


It seems that there is nothing that Obama is not willing to lie about.

All of this action on Obama’s part was completely illegal. Forbes reports:

in 2009 the U.S. government began instructing gun storeowners to break the law by selling firearms to suspected criminals. ATF agents then, again according to testimony by ATF agents turned whistleblowers, were ordered not to intercept the smugglers but rather to let the guns “walk” across the U.S.-Mexican border and into the hands of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations.

And let’s also remember U.S. federal agent Brian Terry, who was also murdered with one of Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious guns.

So right there, that’s at  least 33 human beings who were murdered because of President Obama’s illegal Fast and Furious program. Given that there were 1,961 guns in total that Obama illegally put into the hands of Mexican criminals, one can only guess as to how many people in total have been or will be murdered as a direct result of Obama’s illegal activities in his illegal Operation Fast and Furious program.

October 2, 2012. Tags: , , , , , , . Barack Obama, Politics.

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