Under Obama, the TSA harasses children, the elderly, and the disabled, but gives members of the Muslim Brotherhood a pass

The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.

It was recently reported that in April 2012, the Obama administration allowed members of the Muslim Brotherhood to skip TSA screening.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration gave a very invasive patdown to a three-year-old boy in a wheelchair, which caused the boy to tremble in fear.

The Obama administration gave an aggressive patdown to a seven-year-old girl with cerebral palsy.

The Obama administration said that a four-year-old girl was a “high security threat.”

The Obama administration placed an 18-month-old girl on its no fly list.

The Obama administration gave a patdown to Henry Kissinger.

The Obama administration forced a 95-year-old cancer patient to remove her adult diaper and fly without it.

The Obama administration ripped open the urostomy bag of a 61-year-old bladder cancer survivor, and forced him to fly covered in his own urine.

The Obama administration harassed a sick 3-year-old boy, and caused him to miss his flight.

Under Obama, political correctness takes precedence over common sense.

January 21, 2014. Tags: , , , , , , , . Barack Obama, Police state, Political correctness, Politics. 1 comment.