If Democrats didn’t cheat, then why haven’t they tried to prosecute the thousands of witnesses who lied on their sworn affidavits?

This seven minute video is from the Blue Collar Logic channel at YouTube. The speaker is named Jason, and he is a Trump supporter.

In beginning of the video, Jason shows some of the footage from the Georgia polling place where they continued counting ballots after everyone else had gone home.

At 3:27, Jason says:

“In this case, these two Republican poll watchers swore in affidavits that the lady running the polling place announced that ballot counting had finished for the night, so they left, along with most of the people who were counting ballots. Then once they were gone, as we see in the video, cases of ballots were pulled out from under a table, and counting resumed. So if what these two poll watchers say is true, something dirty was caught on video in Georgia that night. We don’t have any audio, so we can’t hear if the person said that they were going to stop counting for the night. We just ave sworn affidavits that say that, and video footage that seems to back up that claim.”

“Now, here’s the thing that I haven’t really heard anyone talking about. If these two poll watchers are lying, and no one ever said that they were going to stop counting ballots for the night, then they’ve committed a crime. If they’re lying, it’s them that are trying to illegally change the outcome of this election. If they’re lying, I want them to go to jail. And if Trump’s legal team is coercing poll watchers to lie under oath to try to make this election seem fraudulent, then I want them held accountable too. “

“And guess what? So would every Trump hating Democrat in America. So if this video does not show Democrats cheating in this election, why don’t we hear any of them calling for an investigation into the two poll watchers? Why aren’t they chomping up the bit to destroy Trump and his legal team? Think about it. What they claim is that Trump is trying to falsely cast doubt on this election. They say that there’s no evidence of significant voter fraud, and they’re totally dismissing all claims. But why not nip it in the bud? If they truly thought that these were all false allegations that people have sworn to in affidavits, then put those people in prison. Make an example of them. In fact, I want you to. If any of these people have lied in their affidavits, I want them locked up. We can’t have people lying to cast doubt on our elections. We can’t have people creating a fake narrative to upset tens of millions of Americans into thinking that their candidate was cheated out of winning.”

Then at 5:51, Jason says:

“If everything that Democrats have done in Georgia, and elsewhere for that matter, is on the up and up, then Democrats would be calling for investigations. They’d want to look into all the people who have sworn under oath that they witnessed cheating – that there hasn’t been any wrongdoing, it would be in the Democrats’ best interest to investigate. If everything that Democrats have done was done by the book, this would be the opportunity to do what they’re been trying to do for four years now. This would be their opportunity to shut Trump up once and for all. And the fact that they’re unwilling to take it speaks volumes. Their silence is deafening.”


December 5, 2020. Tags: , , , . Stop the steal, Voter fraud.

One Comment

  1. Pete Moss replied:

    I think you know the answer. Signed affidavits don’t mean squat outside a court of law.

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