Update: These are amazon’s eight different non-answers to my question of why have they suppressed the sale of my first anti-Obama e-book, after it had already sold more than 1,500 copies during the past four years

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

July 25, 2020

This is an update to a previous post that I made, which you can read here: After selling more than 1,500 copies of my first Obama e-book over the past four years, amazon has withdrawn it from sale, and refuses to explain why

After I asked amazon why they withdrew the sale of my e-book, they responded with a non-answer. So I asked them again, and they responded with another non-answer.

This cycle has gone on eight different times now, and they have given me a total of eight different non-answers.

And each of these eight different non-answers was written by a different, unique person.

This is their first-non-answer. The bolding is mine:

Wed 7/22/2020 3:18 PM
Good afternoon Daniel,

I hope you are doing well! Thank you for contacting Kindle Direct Publishing.

First of all, thank you for calling attention to this fact! I’m happy to help with your inquiry.

In this case, I can see you published the book again today, so, let me inform you your book is with the status “Updates publishing “, that means it can take up to 72 hours for the changes to display or become functional on the site. Meanwhile, the previous version of your title is live and available for purchase in the Kindle Store.

If the books is not available after the 72 hrs, please let us know so we can ask our technical team for advice.

In advance, I really appreciate your comprehension, I remain in the best disposition for any additional requests you may have.

Thanks for being part of Amazon KDP


Roberth H
Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, that bolded part is a lie. The e-book was not available for sale at that time.

Secondly, they did not answer my question about why the sale of my book was suppressed.

So I asked them again. This is their second non-answer. As always, the bolding is mine:

Wed 7/22/2020 11:49 PM

Hello Daniel,

Warm greetings from Kindle Direct Publishing!

Thank you for your prompt reply and for providing us those details.

Upon of checking our system, it seems that you title is not available for purchase since our Quality Team is reviewing some issues on your files.

In this case in order to get further information about the status of your eBook “1,375 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc” (ASIN: B01E4U36NE), I will kindly recommend you to communicate directly with our Quality Team through your account by using the “Ask a Question” feature in your Quality Issues Dashboard. Our Quality team will review your question and respond within one to two business days.

In advance, I really appreciate all your patience, help and understanding on this matter. We remain in the best disposition for any additional requests you may have.

Thanks for being part of Amazon KDP


Mary H.
Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, I had already used their “ask a question” feature that this person recommended, but I did not get an answer “within one to two business days.”

Secondly, the person did not answer my question.

Third, the person who wrote this response is different than the person who wrote the first response.

So I asked them again. This is their third non-answer:

Thu 7/23/2020 7:11 AM

I understand your concern with regards to the unavailability of your book, “1,375 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.” on Amazon.

I’ve reached out to our Technical team and requested them investigate about the unavailability of your book on Amazon and we’ll need some time to look into this. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause.

I’ll contact you with more information by the end of the day on “Monday, July 27”.

Thanks for your patience.


Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, just like with the other two non-answers, there is a promise for an answer in the future, but no answer in the actual letter.

And secondly, this response is from a completely different person than the other two.

So I again asked them why the sale of my e-book was suppressed. This is their fourth non-answer. This one is my favorite of all eight so far, because the writer desperately tries to hide their non-answer behind what is basically nothing but a bunch of gibberish and doublespeak:

Thu 7/23/2020 3:18 PM

I’m sorry for any delay this has caused.

I have checked the progress on the issue raised and it looks like it is being investigated.

I’ve escalated and also emphasized the urgency of this matter and verified this issue is prioritized to be resolved as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your understanding and continued support. We will remain at your disposition for further assistance.


Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, look at all the big words they used to try to hide the fact that they weren’t actually answering my question.

Secondly, this is now four different people who have each given me a different non-answer. They sure are putting a lot of effort into not answering my simple question.

I asked them again. This is their fifth non-answer. In this case, I have redacted the name of the book, because the book that this person cited is not my book. Instead, it is someone else’s book, and I don’t want to draw attention to that other person:

Thu 7/23/2020 7:25 PM

I apologize for the inconvenience you had regarding the availability of your book (name of book redacted)

I checked and see that one of my colleague working with our technical team regarding this issue. I’ve forwarded your concern to him.

He’ll get back to you with more information as soon as possible.

I appreciate your patience in this regard.


Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, like I said, the book that this person cites is not my book.

Secondly, as with the other cases, they do not answer my question, but they do promise that my question will be answered in the future.

And third, this is the fifth different person out of five different non-answers.

This time I contacted them and told them that this was not my book. This is their response. And again, I have redacted the name of the book that is not mine:

Thu 7/23/2020 11:45 PM
Hello Daniel,

I hope this email finds you well.

I understand that you’re concerned about the mistake my colleague Aravind made as you’ve never written a book called (name of book redacted)

I’m sorry for the mistake my colleague made, I did notice that one of our agents, Nid, is currently handling the case for your book “1,375 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.” I’ve went ahead and let my colleague know you’ve contacted once again.

I hope this information was helpful.

Thanks again for your interest in Amazon KDP. I remain in the best of dispositions for any additional inquires you may have.


Elliot A.
Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, they still don’t answer my question.

Secondly, they give me another bogus promise that they will answer my question in the future.

And third, this is the sixth different person out of six different non-responses.

So again, I asked them why the sale of my e-book has been suppressed. This is their seventh non-answer:

Fri 7/24/2020 9:52 AM
Hello Daniel,

Thanks for letting us know you have updated a revised version of your eBook:”1,375 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc”.

I see there’s a coworker working with our Quality team to get this resolved. I’ve shared your question so you’ll receive an update on that as soon as possible.

In case you want to communicate directly with our Quality team, use the “Ask a Question” feature in your Quality Issues Dashboard. Our Quality team will review your question and respond within one to two business days.

Thanks for your patience.


Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, as always, they don’t answer my question.

Second of all, as always, they promise that my question will be answered at some point in the future.

Third, they tell me to use their “ask a question” feature in the dashboard, and that they will answer “within one to two business days.” But I have already used the “ask a question” dashboard feature several times, but they have never answered my question.

And fourth, this is the seventh different person out of the seven non-answers that they have given me. They sure are putting a huge amount of effort into trying to hide the fact that they are not actually answering my question.

I asked them again, and this is their eighth non-answer:

Fri 7/24/2020 3:44 PM

Hello Daniel,

I’ve your previous correspondences and I’m sorry for the delay it is taking in resolving your eBook’s availability issue due to quality suppression.
I’m seeing that my colleague, Nid, is still in touch with our technidal team to confirm this issue for you. I’ve notified him to provide you a status update and he will get back with more information at the earliest.
Thanks for your understanding in this regard.


Kindle Direct Publishing

First of all, once again, they do not answer my question.

Second of all, once again, they promise that my question will be answered in the future.

And third, they have now had eight different people for their eight different non-answers.

July 25, 2020. Tags: , . Books, Cancel culture.

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