Democrats give public housing to illegal aliens instead of to U.S. citizens

I just found out that Democrats are giving public housing to illegal aliens instead of to U.S. citizens.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson said of this:

“There is an affordable-housing crisis in this country, and we need to make certain our scarce public ­resources help those who are ­legally entitled to it.”

President Trump has ordered illegal aliens to get out of public housing within 18 months.

Democrats don’t like that one bit.

New York City Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio said of Trump’s order:

“This is what cruelty looks like.”

Apparently, de Blasio doesn’t think it’s “cruel” to keep U.S. citizens out of these public housing units that are currently being occupied by illegal aliens.

U.S. Congressional Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-New York) said that Carson was

“despicable” for “ripping apart families and throwing children on the street”

Apparently, Maloney thinks that if illegal aliens move out of public housing, this will somehow cause them to abandon their own children.

Also, apparently, Maloney doesn’t think it’s “despicable” that Democrats are causing U.S. citizens to be homeless.

With the demand for public housing exceeding the supply, it is necessary to prioritize who should and should not be allowed to live in it. By choosing to give this housing to illegal aliens instead of to U.S. citizens, Democrats have shown where their true loyalties lie.

May 22, 2019. Tags: , , , , , , . Donald Trump, Housing, Immigration.

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