Someone gave these 22 reasons to not vote for Trump. I will offer my own opinion on each of them.

Someone gave these 22 reasons to not vote for Trump.

I will offer my own opinion on each of them.

1) Trump promises to carry out the largest domestic deportation in history.

I agree with Trump.

2) Death sentence for human traffickers.

I agree with Trump.

3) Close the Department of Education.

I agree with Trump.

4) Put prayer back into school.

I disagree with Trump on this one.

5) Criminalize any race based advantage programs.

I agree with this one. But we already have it – it’s called the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

6) Ban any federal dollars for gender affirming care.

I agree with this to the degree that I’m against gender surgery or gender hormones for anyone under 18. There are a lot of detransitioners out there, and I think people under 18 are too young to make this decision.

I have no problem with it for adults. But even then, I’d prefer that the funding be at the state and local level.

So I’ll agree with Trump.

7) Term limits for Congress.

I agree with this.

8) Investigate the Biden crime family.

I agree that the “big guy” who gets a percentage of everything needs to be prosecuted.

9) Pardon the January 6th people.

I’m against pardoning the ones who committed violence or vandalism, which are real crimes with real victims.

I’m in favor of pardoning the peaceful ones, especially when there is security video which proves that the guards gave them permission to enter the building. No victim = no crime.

10) Increase the penalties for underage offenders.

I know that the Allderdice High School students who raped a girl at a Starbucks in Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh were never arrested or charged. I think they should have been arrested and charged. And way too many armed teenage carjackers have avoided going to prison. I support locking them up as well. But this is a state and local issue, not a federal issue. So I disagree with Trump from a legal point, although I very much agree with him in principle.

11) Strengthen immunity for police officers.

I disagree with Trump on this. I think what we do need is more requirements that their body cameras are always turned on. I don’t trust eye witnesses. I do trust video proof.

12) Deploy the national guard to deploy woke cities.

I disagree with Trump on this one. Although I personally disagree with the policy where certain cities, such as San Francisco, New York City, and Washington D.C. refuse to lock up serial shoplifters, serial armed carjackers, and serial head punchers, I do support the right of the voters in those cities to have those policies.

13) Reassess our participation in NATO.

I agree.

14) Every European country should reimburse the U.S. for the military protection that we provide for them.

I agree.

15) Kill all e-vehicles and e-vehicle legislation.

I’d prefer that the federal government stay out of this. I don’t want it to support electric cars, but I don’t want it to try to stop them either.

16) Support flying cars.

I’m against this. It’s not practical. It’s too dangerous. It’s too expensive. It’s too noisy.

17) Remove limits on natural gas exports.

Since I support free trade, I agree with Trump.

18) Drill baby drill.

I support this, but only until we have enough nuclear power so that it’s no longer necessary.

19) Impose tariffs of up to 60% on Chinese imports.

I disagree with Trump on this. Tariffs almost always destroy far, far more jobs than they save.

20) Extend the 2017 tax cuts.

I agree.

21) Lower the corporate tax rate.

I agree.

22) Tax, fine, and sue university endowments, particular Harvard, and use the money to create a new, online college that is free of wokeness.

I disagree with this, because I’m against any federal involvement in education.

The person who created this list cites it as a reason to not vote for Trump.

But as quite a few other people have said, the list actually looks like a reason to vote for Trump.

May 1, 2024. Tags: . Donald Trump.

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