This is hilarious! Environmentalists are against drilling for the lithium that’s necessary for electric cars.

Lithium is a necessary component of the batteries for electric cars that environmentalists are always claiming to be in favor of.

However, after lithium mining was proposed in California, environmentalists objected to the proposal.

The Los Angeles Times reported:

The drilling request has generated strong opposition from the Center for Biological Diversity, the Sierra Club and the Defenders of Wildlife, who say the drilling project would be an initial step toward the creation of a full-scale lithium mining operation. They say lithium extraction would bring industrial sprawl, large and unsightly drying ponds and threaten a fragile ecosystem that supports Nelson’s bighorn sheep, desert tortoises and the Panamint alligator lizard, among other species.

“A lithium mine would destroy these spectacular panoramas,” drilling opponent Tom Budlong said recently as he and fellow activists buzzed over the Panamint Valley in a chartered Ecoflight aircraft.

Absolutely hilarious!

September 27, 2021. Tags: , , . Environmentalism.


  1. Michele replied:

    WHen would they approve of human s’ lifestyle….when we are living in caves again….w/o the bearskins to keep us warm and no log fires. Useless people with no alternatives.

  2. 553joz replied:

    MORE No’ No’s from the ‘Eco Terrorists here in California’….they DON’T seem to mind the “Illegal Alien Invasion we must contend with coming through Mexico(Trump had stopped it) that is making Our streets with the homeless/illegals look like war zones.

    San FranFeces is another example of the Corrupt Dem. Party, who also allowed the Year+ Rioting, Violence and said NOTHING about it, as they burned down businesses and police dept’s.

    Guess that smoke and tear gas had NOTHING to do with the environment?
    There are Always “Double Standards for what the Democrats WANT DONE or NOT, as they say Nothing when it comes to their Own Hired Thugs:
    ‘Antifa/Anarchists/BLM Thugs…..that V.P. Harris’ group paid their bail, IF they happened to be arrested…and they were Out causing More Violence that same night! Yep, IF Dem Run City Mayors/Governors didn’t have any
    “Double Standards, they wouldn’t have ANY Standards”….Hypocrites, ALL!

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