Nancy Pelosi’s recent statement shows a complete lack of logic

We can always count on Nancy Pelosi to provide us with humor and entertainment as she, time and time again, displays proof that she is bat guano insane.

For her latest display, Breitbart reports:

Pelosi: ‘I Would Have Been Gone By Now’ If Hillary Had Won

While speaking with reporters on Friday, House Minority Leader Representative Nancy Pelosi stated of the 2016 presidential election, “I would have been gone by now if she had won.”

Pelosi said that the Affordable Care Act is “a pillar” and that if Clinton was in office, she wouldn’t worry about the ACA going away. Pelosi continued that “we all knew” Clinton would win.

She added that Trump winning “motivated me her to stay.” And “I would have been gone by now if she had won.”

So, here are the facts, according Pelosi:

1) Pelosi “knew” that Hillary Clinton would win the election.

2) If Clinton won the election, Pelosi would no longer stay in the U.S. House of Representatives.

3) Pelosi ran for reelection.

See the contradiction there? If Pelosi “knew” that Clinton would win, and if Clinton winning would mean that Pelosi would no longer be in the House, then why did Pelosi run for reelection in the first place?

If everything that Pelosi had said was true – i.e., if she truly believed that Clinton would win, and if Clinton winning would mean that Pelosi would no longer be a member of the U.S. House – then Pelosi would not have run for reelection.

But she did run for reelection.

Therefore, her statement is completely lacking in logic.


March 11, 2017. Tags: , . Politics.

One Comment

  1. HMichael Hawkins replied:

    Pelosi provides evidence that botox injected into your face will eventually migrate to your brain and freeze it….just like the botox has frozen her wild-eyed stare and facial distortions.

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