Insane Republicans in North Carolina just passed a law which requires this person to use the women’s bathroom

It looks like the insane Republican lawmakers in North Carolina have consumed even more bat guano than they normally do. They just passed a law that requires the person in the photograph below to use the women’s bathroom:

The New York Times reports:

Transgender Law Makes North Carolina Pioneer in Bigotry

March 25, 2016

Under the law, people in North Carolina are required to use public restrooms that match the gender on their birth certificate. Transgender people in the state can request to have their birth certificate changed only if they have had gender reassignment surgery. Many transgender people cannot afford surgery or choose not to have it.

By promoting the ludicrous idea that transgender women are inherently dangerous, the law endangers citizens who are already disproportionately vulnerable to violence and stigmatization. Transgender men go largely unmentioned in bathroom bill debates, but that could change. James Parker Sheffield, a transgender man with a beard, exposed the foolishness of the law in a tweet to the governor. “It’s now the law for me to share a restroom with your wife,” he wrote, attaching a photo of himself.

Here’s the tweet and photograph in question:

James P Sheffield ‏@JayShef
@PatMcCroryNC It’s now the law for me to share a restroom with your wife. #HB2 #trans #NorthCarolina #shameonNC

James P Sheffield

March 26, 2016. Tags: , , , , . LGBT, Politics.


  1. veni replied:

    What is so insane about a mentally unstable women using the womens restroom? Dont worry ladies…She worked really hard to get that beard but was born with a vagina.

  2. HMichaelH replied:

    More evidence of the idiocy that has descended upon us. It is my belief the only real measure of one’s sexual identity is your DNA. You can change the plumbing all you want with surgery, but until you can change your DNA, you are the sex with which you were born.

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