Ethiopia has chosen to greatly increase its use of technology and its standard of living.

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

June 16, 2024

Ethiopia has chosen to greatly increase its use of technology and its standard of living.

The Ethiopia of today is absolutely nothing like the Ethiopia that people my age (I’m 53) saw on TV when we were growing up.

Back then, the news blamed Ethiopia’s famines on drought.

Now, this video says that during several recent droughts, there was no famine, and that was because of the choices that they made regarding irrigation, modern farming methods, and other advances in technology.

The same video also shows Ethiopians manufacturing clothing for export to rich countries, and they pointed out that Ethiopia is currently at the approximate level of development than China was at one generation ago.

I totally support these tremendous improvements.

June 16, 2024. Tags: , , , . Economics, Sweatshops, Technology.

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