The father of a 15-year-old who assaulted and killed an innocent person at the Great Frederick Fair defends his son

At the Great Frederick Fair in Frederick, Maryland, a 15-year-old assaulted and killed an innocent man.

The father of the killer said:

“My son is not an animal. He’s never been in trouble. He made a mistake. He’s only 15. I feel for the other family. They lost a loved one. My son doesn’t deserve to spend the rest of his life in prison.”

Here’s a video of a news report on this:

September 24, 2019. Tags: , , , , . Violent crime.


  1. GimmickGuy replied:

    Yeah dad. Is that the same tune you’d be whistling if some church-goer killed your boy while he was singing a hymn in the church choir?

  2. fatman6502002 replied:

    The little bastards deserve the death penalty. Attacking and killing someone over a dollar proves two things. One, if you do that you’re way to violent a person to be allowed to ever walk the streets a free person again. Two, if you do that then you’re way to stupid to ever walk the streets free again. Life in prison with no possibility of parole or the death penalty.

  3. Bealz Afuzz replied:

    He killed a man minding his own business for not donating to thugs. He made everyone in the area and anyone desiring to go out in public hesitant. He put fear where fear does not need to be.

    Yes yes this needs to be stopped now. He made choices bad ones built on how he was raised.

    Yes he deserves as many days freedom as his victim now gets.

    Yes he needs to be out of this society. He earned it!

  4. Joseph Powell replied:

    So ‘it’s not murder’ when my kids do it?
    Face it dad, you raised killers.

  5. willford2blog replied:

    These little MONGRELS have UNEARNED their right to live, Just like the man they killed for NO REASON!

  6. bill replied:

    Today on ( When Animals Attack )…. this is nothing new with the feral tribals. society needs to learn we have vicious animals walking the streets.

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