A mass shooting in my own neighborhood

This morning, when I was in my apartment (which does not face the street) and I heard a very long succession of sirens from emergency vehicles going by, I suspected that something really horrible had happened, and the only possibility that entered my mind was either a bombing or a mass shooting at one of the nearby synagogues.

With large crowds of people, including large numbers of women and children, all together in an enclosed space, I’d thought for years that something like this could happen. But I never thought it would happen.

They still haven’t published the victims’ names, pending notification of their families.

I’m 47, and I’ve lived in Squirrel Hill my entire life. I’m hoping for at least another 47 years in this neighborhood. It’s too bad some scumbag deprived at least 11 of my neighbors from living out their lives. I don’t understand why anyone would do this.

The latest updates can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting

October 27, 2018. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Guns, Pittsburgh, Religion, Squirrel Hill, Violent crime.

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