I agree with Obama for allowing a U.S. corporation to open a factory in Cuba

Obama just gave approval for Cleber LLC, an Alabama-based company that builds tractors, to open a factory in Cuba. This will be the first new U.S. factory to be built and operated in Cuba in over 50 years.

As a libertarian, I totally agree with Obama on this issue. Bringing global capitalism to Cuba is a wonderful idea.

The average Cuban citizen earns $20 per month.

Usually, when U.S. corporations open up factories in poor countries, in order to attract workers, they usually pay between two and five times what the average worker in that country makes. So if this trend is followed in Cuba, we can expect this factory to offer workers between $40 and $100 per month.

And then, if current trends continue, we can expect U.S. protesters on the radical left, who never complained about Cubans making $20 per month while employed by the Cuban government, to complain that the $40 to $100 per month the Cuban workers get paid by this U.S. corporation is “exploitative,” just as they always make that same complaint whenever U.S. factories in other poor countries pay their workers between two and fives times what the average worker in those countries makes.

My take on this? Unlike those leftist U.S. protesters, I actually trust Cuban citizens, and citizens in all other poor countries as well, to choose the job that they believe if best for them. I would never protest against someone switching to a new job that pays between two and five times as much as their old job.

Anyway, as someone who believes in free trade and global capitalism, I applaud Obama for letting a U.S. corporation open up a factory in Cuba.


February 15, 2016. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , . Barack Obama, Economics, Politics.


  1. poetopoet replied:

    Why not just state as a typical Jew, where there is profit, I agree?

  2. knh1222 replied:

    Under communism, Cuba will take their pay and give the workers $20 a month. The rest of the money will be used to upgrade their military.

  3. Constitution Believer replied:

    Sorry but I cannot agree with Oblunder.
    What happened with their sugar industry? Remember this is a country where the Government is in total control….sorta like what Obama wants for this country

  4. Veni replied:

    Almost 100 million Americans out of the labor force but Mr. Communist has to rub it in and send more of our jobs both current and potential over seas? Sorry Dan, If you know Obama the way I do, and I believe you do, you might want to point of the real agenda behind this and everything it says and does.

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